Terms & Condition:

  1. “Fresh Juice with Coix Seed Series Lucky Draw” (“Lucky Draw”) is only applicable to all participants who have completed the “Find Out Your Superpower!” Quiz (“Quiz”) hold by Original Taste Workshop (“the Company”) and fulfilled the requirements as set out below (“Eligible Participants”).
  2. Each Participant is entitled to one lucky draw entry for each Quiz submission, limited to once every 24 hours. If, for any reason, the number of Lucky Draw entries that a participant has submitted exceeds the number of entries that he/she is entitled to, only the 1st result drawn (in chronological order) matching the Company’s record will be valid.
  3. Participants must not close the Lucky Draw webpage once the Lucky Draw starts. If the Lucky Draw result cannot be shown on the Lucky Draw webpage under whatever circumstances and conditions, the record of the Company shall be final.
  4. The QR code received as a prize can be used only once for redeeming a free drink from the “Fresh Juice with Coix Seed Series” at Original Taste Workshop’s store or vending machine. If the QR code is not saved and is lost, it will NOT be re-issued or re-sent.
  5. The prize(s) are available while stocks last.
  6. The Bank reserves the right to terminate, extend or vary this offer and to vary or modify any of its terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice. In case of disputes, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding.
  7. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and the Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.
  8. For any inquiries regarding the lucky draw, please contact Original Taste Workshop at 2311 2987.


  1. 「鮮果薏米系列抽獎遊戲」(「抽獎」) 只適用於完成由原味家作(「本公司」)推出的 「超能力測驗:揭開你嘅超能力之謎!」(「測驗」)及符合以下所述之要求的人仕 (「參加者」)。
  2. 每位參加者每24小時最多可以完成一次測驗,以參加一次抽獎。不論任何原因,如客戶參加抽獎的次數多於合資格的抽獎次數,只有符合本公司紀錄的抽獎紀錄(按時間先後順序)將被視為有效。
  3. 抽獎一經開始,參加者不應關閉網頁。不論任何原因或情況,如抽獎結果未能顯示於網頁,本公司之紀錄將為最終抽獎結果。
  4. 作為獎品獲得的QR Code (「二維碼」)僅可使用一次,必需出示於原味家作的分店或自動換購機 兌換免費「鮮果薏米系列」飲品一支。如果二維碼未被保存且遺失,本公司將不會重新發放或重新發送該二維碼。
  5. 獎品數量有限,送完即止。
  6. 本公司保留隨時更改或終止上述優惠及更改上述任何條款及細則之權利,而毋須另行通知。如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。
  7. 中英文版之內容如有任何歧義,在任何情況下概以英文版為準。
  8. 如對抽獎有任何查詢,請聯絡原味家作,電話2311 2987。